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Amiga Catalog Translation file  |  1990-09-13  |  9KB  |  473 lines

  1. ## version $VER: IntuiLhAGad.catalog 1.15 (02.06.1993)
  2. ## codeset 0
  3. ## language english
  4. GDTXT_main_open_archive
  5. Open archive
  6. ;Archiv 
  7. ffnen
  8. GDTXT_main_test_archive
  9. Test archive
  10. ;Archiv testen
  11. GDTXT_main_print_list
  12. Print list
  13. ;Drucke Liste
  14. GDTXT_main_options
  15. Options
  16. ;Optionen
  17. GDTXT_main_extract_files
  18. Extract
  19. ;Extrahieren
  20. GDTXT_main_select_all
  21. ;Alles
  22. GDTXT_main_system_info
  23. System info
  24. ;System Info
  25. GDTXT_main_add_files
  26. Add-Window
  27. ;Add-Fenster
  28. GDTXT_main_select_none
  29. ;Nichts
  30. GDTXT_main_select_inverse
  31. Inverse
  32. ;Umgekehrt
  33. GDTXT_main_delete_files
  34. Delete
  35. schen
  36. GDTXT_main_close_archive
  37. Close archive
  38. ;Archiv zu
  39. GDTXT_main_execute_command
  40. DOS Command
  41. ;DOS Kommando
  42. GDTXT_main_disk_info
  43. Disk info
  44. ;Disk Info
  45. GDTXT_main_format
  46. Format
  47. ;Formatieren
  48. GDTXT_main_quit
  49. ;Beenden
  50. GDTXT_main_save_config
  51. Save config
  52. ;Config sichern
  53. GDTXT_main_freshen
  54. Freshen
  55. ;Erneuern
  56. GDTXT_main_select_black
  57. Black
  58. ;Schwarzes
  59. GDTXT_main_about
  60. About...
  61. ber IntuiLhA
  62. GDTXT_main_make_dir
  63. Create dir
  64. ;Neues Dir
  65. GDTXT_main_iconify
  66. Iconify
  67. ;Iconifizieren
  68. GDTXT_main_all_to_black
  69. All to black
  70. ;Alles Schwarz
  71. GDTXT_main_prefs
  72. Preferences
  73. ;Einstellungen
  74. GDTXT_main_muster
  75. Pattern...
  76. ;Muster...
  77. ;*****************
  78. ; Optionenfenster
  79. ;*****************
  80. GDTXT_options_full_path
  81. Full path
  82. ;Voller Pfad
  83. GDTXT_options_preserve_attrs
  84. Preserve file attributes
  85. ;Dateiattribute sichern
  86. GDTXT_options_confirm_files
  87. Confirm files
  88. ;Dateien best
  89. tigen
  90. GDTXT_options_clear_arc_bit
  91. Clear arc-bit on extract
  92. ;Arc-Bit bei Extrakt l
  93. schen
  94. GDTXT_options_archive_empty
  95. Archive empty dirs
  96. ;Leere Dirs archivieren
  97. GDTXT_options_touch
  98. Touch extracted files
  99. ;Datum aktualisieren
  100. GDTXT_options_fast_display
  101. Fast progress display
  102. ;Schnelle Anzeige
  103. GDTXT_options_ignore_LHAOPTS
  104. Ignore ENV:LHAOPTS
  105. ;LHAOPTS-Variable ignorieren
  106. GDTXT_options_filenames_lower
  107. Filenames lowercase
  108. ;Dateiname zu Kleinbuchstaben
  109. GDTXT_options_no_progress
  110. No progress display
  111. ;Keine Fortschrittsanzeige
  112. GDTXT_options_no_autoshow
  113. No autoshow files
  114. ;Keine Autoshow-Dateien
  115. GDTXT_options_no_byte_progress
  116. No byte progress display
  117. ;Keine Byteanzeige
  118. GDTXT_options_be_quiet
  119. Be quiet
  120. ;Keine Ausgaben
  121. GDTXT_options_collect_recurs
  122. Collect files recursively
  123. ;Dateien rekursiv suchen
  124. GDTXT_options_ignore_filenotes
  125. Ignore filenotes
  126. ;Filenotes ignorieren
  127. GDTXT_options_filenames_upper
  128. Filenames uppercase
  129. ;Dateiname zu Gro
  130. buchstaben
  131. GDTXT_options_no_suffix
  132. Do not append suffix
  133. ;Kein .lha/.lzh anh
  134. GDTXT_options_store_ratio
  135. Store files with ratio<3%
  136. ;Bei Effizienz<3% speichern
  137. GDTXT_options_compress_archives
  138. Compress archives
  139. ;Archive packen
  140. GDTXT_options_other_options
  141. Other options\x20
  142. ;Andere Optionen
  143. GDTXT_options_no_query
  144. No questions
  145. ;Keine Fragen
  146. GDTXT_options_buffers
  147. Buffers      \x20
  148. ;Buffer
  149. GDTXT_options_priority
  150. Priority     \x20
  151. ;Priorit
  152. GDTXT_options_compression
  153. Speed        \x20
  154. ;Geschwindigk.
  155. GDTXT_options_default
  156. Default
  157. ;Voreinstellung
  158. GDTXT_options_last_saved
  159. Last saved
  160. ;Gesichertes
  161. GDTXT_options_undo
  162. cksetzen
  163. GDTXT_options_save_and_use
  164. Save & Use
  165. ;Sichern,Benutzen
  166. GDTXT_options_cancel
  167. Cancel
  168. ;Abbruch
  169. GDTXT_options_use
  170. ;Benutzen
  171. GDTXT_options_alternate_display
  172. Display\x20
  173. ;Anzeige
  174. GDTXT_options_display_0
  175. Bytes
  176. ;Bytes
  177. GDTXT_options_display_1
  178. Rotating line
  179. ;Rotierende Linie
  180. GDTXT_options_display_2
  181. Per cent
  182. ;In Prozent
  183. GDTXT_options_display_3
  184. ;Balken
  185. GDTXT_options_extract_new_newer
  186. Extract
  187. ;Extrahiere
  188. GDTXT_options_extrahiere_0
  189. all files
  190. ;alle Dateien
  191. GDTXT_options_extrahiere_1
  192. new files
  193. ;neue Dateien
  194. GDTXT_options_extrahiere_2
  195. newer files
  196. ;neuere Dateien
  197. GDTXT_options_extrahiere_3
  198. new and newer files
  199. ;neue & neuere Dateien
  200. GDTXT_options_algorithm
  201. Algorithm
  202. ;algorithmus
  203. WDTXT_options_title
  204. Options   ---   Closegadget = Cancel
  205. ;Optionen   ---    Schlie
  206. gadget = Abbruch
  207. ;************
  208. ; Addfenster
  209. ;************
  210. GDTXT_add_set_path
  211. Set root
  212. ;Stammpfad
  213. GDTXT_add_parent
  214. Parent
  215. ;Parent
  216. GDTXT_add_select_files
  217. Files
  218. ;Dateien
  219. GDTXT_add_select_all
  220. ;Alles
  221. GDTXT_add_select_none
  222. ;Nichts
  223. GDTXT_add_unselect_recurs
  224. None recursive
  225. ;Nichts rekursiv
  226. GDTXT_add_to_open
  227. To open
  228. ;Zu Ge
  229. ffnetem
  230. GDTXT_add_exit
  231. ;Verlassen
  232. GDTXT_add_cancel
  233. Cancel
  234. ;Abbruch
  235. GDTXT_add_create_new
  236. To old/new
  237. ;Neues / Hinzu
  238. GDTXT_add_select_dirs
  239. Directories
  240. ;Verzeichnisse
  241. GDTXT_add_execute_com
  242. DOS Command
  243. ;DOS Kommando
  244. GDTXT_add_rescan
  245. Rescan
  246. ;Lesen
  247. GDTXT_add_and_open
  248. Add and open
  249. ;Hinzu & 
  250. ffnen
  251. GDTXT_add_options
  252. Options
  253. ;Optionen
  254. GDTXT_add_prefs
  255. Preferences
  256. ;Einstellungen
  257. GDTXT_add_iconify
  258. Iconify
  259. ;Iconifizieren
  260. GDTXT_add_pattern
  261. Pattern...
  262. ;Muster...
  263. GDTXT_add_dir_liste_0
  264. Show list
  265. ;Zeige Liste
  266. GDTXT_add_dir_liste_1
  267. Show dir
  268. ;Zeige Dir
  269. GDTXT_add_mode_0
  270. GDTXT_add_mode_1
  271. Replace
  272. ;Replace
  273. GDTXT_add_mode_2
  274. Update
  275. ;Update
  276. GDTXT_add_mode_3
  277. ;Move
  278. WDTXT_add_title
  279. Addwindow   -   Closegadget = Cancel
  280. ;Add-Fenster  -  Schlie
  281. gadget = Abbruch
  282. ;*********************
  283. ; Einstellungsfenster
  284. ;*********************
  285. GDTXT_prefs_console
  286. Console    \x20
  287. ;Console    \x20
  288. GDTXT_prefs_format_util
  289. Format util.
  290. ;Format Util.
  291. GDTXT_prefs_info_util
  292. Info util. \x20
  293. ;Info Util. \x20
  294. GDTXT_prefs_printer
  295. Printer  \x20
  296. ;Drucker  \x20
  297. GDTXT_prefs_auto_scroll
  298. Autoscroll
  299. ;Automatisches Scrolling
  300. GDTXT_prefs_archiver
  301. Archiver   \x20
  302. ;Archivierer\x20
  303. GDTXT_prefs_default
  304. Default
  305. ;Voreinstellung
  306. GDTXT_prefs_use
  307. ;Benutzen
  308. GDTXT_prefs_undo
  309. cksetzen
  310. GDTXT_prefs_save_and_use
  311. Save & Use
  312. ;Sichern,Benutzen
  313. GDTXT_prefs_last_saved
  314. Last saved
  315. ;Gesichertes
  316. GDTXT_prefs_cancel
  317. Cancel
  318. ;Abbrechen
  319. GDTXT_prefs_text_viewer
  320. Textviewer \x20
  321. ;Textanzeiger
  322. GDTXT_prefs_pic_viewer
  323. Picviewer  \x20
  324. ;Bildanzeiger
  325. GDTXT_prefs_lha_resident
  326. LhA resident
  327. ;LhA Resident
  328. GDTXT_prefs_runtime
  329. Runtime file
  330. ;Temp. Datei\x20
  331. GDTXT_prefs_display_comment
  332. Display filenotes
  333. ;Kommentare Anzeigen
  334. GDTXT_prefs_sample_player
  335. Sampleplayer
  336. ;SampleSp.  \x20
  337. GDTXT_prefs_printer_command
  338. Command  \x20
  339. ;Kommando \x20
  340. GDTXT_prefs_ask_extract_files
  341. Extracting
  342. ;Extrahieren
  343. GDTXT_prefs_ask_delete_files
  344. Deleting
  345. schen
  346. GDTXT_prefs_ask_add_files
  347. Adding
  348. ;Addieren
  349. GDTXT_prefs_ask_print_list
  350. Printing list
  351. ;Liste drucken
  352. GDTXT_prefs_ask_quit
  353. Quitting
  354. ;Beenden
  355. GDTXT_prefs_ask_close_archive
  356. Closing archive
  357. ;Archiv schlie
  358. GDTXT_prefs_gadget_text
  359. Gadget text
  360. ;Gadget Text
  361. GDTXT_prefs_command
  362. Command   \x20
  363. ;Kommando  \x20
  364. GDTXT_prefs_anim_player
  365. Animplayer \x20
  366. ;AnimSpieler\x20
  367. GDTXT_prefs_module_player
  368. Moduleplayer
  369. ;ModulSp.   \x20
  370. GDTXT_prefs_ask_freshen
  371. Freshening
  372. ;Erneuern
  373. GDTXT_prefs_select_info
  374. Select .info
  375. ;Selektiere .info
  376. GDTXT_prefs_scrolling_0
  377. Standart scroll
  378. ;Standart Scrolling
  379. GDTXT_prefs_scrolling_1
  380. Softer scroll
  381. ;Weicheres Scrolling
  382. GDTXT_prefs_text_0
  383. Ask before...
  384. ;Frage vor...
  385. WDTXT_prefs_title
  386. Preferences   ---   Closegadget = Cancel
  387. ;Einstellungen   ---   Schlie
  388. gadget = Abbrechen
  389. ; ab IntuiLhA1.11
  390. GDTXT_prefs_pub_screen
  391. Publicscreen
  392. ;Publicscreen
  393. GDTXT_prefs_open_screen
  394. Open screen\x20
  395. ffne Screen
  396. GDTXT_prefs_screen_mode
  397. Screenmode
  398. ;Screenmode
  399. ; ab IntuiLhA 1.12
  400. GDTXT_prefs_iconify_wb
  401. Iconify on workbench
  402. ;Iconifiziere auf Workbench
  403. GDTXT_prefs_font
  404. Font\x20
  405. ;Font\x20
  406. GDTXT_prefs_system_font
  407. Use system font
  408. ;Benutze Systemfont
  409. ; ab IntuiLhA 1.15
  410. GDTXT_prefs_help_guide
  411. Help guide \x20
  412. ;Help-Guide
  413. GDTXT_prefs_edit_tools
  414. Edit tools
  415. ;Tools einstellen
  416. GDTXT_prefs_run_time_dir
  417. Runtime Dir\x20
  418. ;Temp. Verz.\x20
  419. GDTXT_prefs_archive_filter
  420. Arc. filter\x20
  421. ;Archivfilter
  422. ; Toolsfenster
  423. GDTXT_tools_text
  424. ;Text
  425. GDTXT_tools_types
  426. Filetypes
  427. ;Dateitypen
  428. GDTXT_tools_up
  429. ;Rauf
  430. GDTXT_tools_down
  431. ;Runter
  432. GDTXT_tools_new
  433. New...
  434. ;Neues
  435. GDTXT_tools_remove
  436. Remove
  437. schen
  438. GDTXT_tools_autoshow_main
  439. Use autoshow in Mainwindow
  440. ;Anzeige im Hauptfenster
  441. GDTXT_tools_autoshow_add
  442. Use autoshow in Addwindow
  443. ;Anzeige im Addfenster
  444. GDTXT_tools_save_and_use
  445. Save & Use
  446. ;Sichern,Benutzen
  447. GDTXT_tools_use
  448. ;Benutzen
  449. GDTXT_tools_save
  450. ;Sichern
  451. GDTXT_tools_undo
  452. cksetzen
  453. GDTXT_tools_cancel
  454. Cancel
  455. ;Abbrechen
  456. GDTXT_tools_last_saved
  457. Last saved
  458. ;Gesichertes
  459. WDTXT_tools_title
  460. Toolswindow  ---  Closegadget == Cancel
  461. ;Toolsfenster  ---  Schlie
  462. gadget = Abbrechen
  463. GDTXT_tools_mode_0
  464. GDTXT_tools_mode_1
  465. INTERN
  466. ;INTERN
  467. GDTXT_tools_synch_0
  468. Synchron
  469. ;Synchron
  470. GDTXT_tools_synch_1
  471. Asynchron
  472. ;Asynchron